Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Investment Opportunities in Black Pepper

Manila - In this coming Agrilink at World Trade Center from 5-7 October 2017, I will be presenting during the seminar a topic, titled "Investment Opportunities in Black Pepper". The presentation will cover global and domestic prospects and trends, technology breakthroughs and opportunities in moving forward the industry. My presentation is scheduled on the afternoon of 7 October 2017.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Pruning of kapok for the profuse flowering of black pepper

Before the onset of the rainy season, pruning of kapok tree is done at 8P'S AGRI FARM. The primary objective of the activity is for the profuse flowering of the 4 year old black pepper. Fertilization and moulding of the hills were also conducted. Monitoring and recording of the response of the black pepper is on-going. We will be keeping you posted.
Pruned kapok as support tree of black pepper before the onset of rainy season for the profuse flowering.

Efficacy of Glyphosate on the Kapok-Black Pepper Farming

The effects of glyphosate on the kapok (5 months and 1 year old) and black pepper (1 year old) were evaluated at 8 P'S AGRI FARM  in Manacabac, Janiuay, Iloilo. The initial results shows promising results. Follow up spraying of glyphosate at 7 to 15 days after the first application provide complete control of weeds. Caution is needed in spraying glyphosate not to contact with kapok and black pepper. Chemical injuries and plant malformations were documented. Should this initial findings needs full and controlled research, interested glyhosate chemical company can contact me.
5 months old Kapok as support tree of black pepper sprayed with glyphosate herbicide.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Control of Phytophthora on Black Pepper Using Trichoderma

The efficacy of Trichoderma strains from UPLB Biotech and BPI were tested at 8P'S AGRI FARM in Janiuay Iloilo. The preliminary results of Trichoderma against Phytophora of black pepper from UPLB Biotech courtesy of Dr. Joy Zarate shown promising growth stand compared to control check. We are on the process of testing the strains from BPI Crop Pest Management Division in this coming May. Trichoderma harzianum can also be obtained from the DA Regional Crop Protection Centers and other laboratories. More information on the subject matter will be posted in this blog.

Friday, March 17, 2017

'Kapok' as Support Tree for Black Pepper

The 8P'S AGRI Farm is on the expansion mode in Janiuay. Kapok tree is now ready for the planting of black pepper in this coming May 2017. The area is being maintained and cleared with weeds. Interestingly, Kapok tree is observed to be tolerant to drought. Physical and ecological changes are perceived to transformed the area in the near future. Be witnessed of these changes on the future updates and developments.

Should you need to know the technical information about Kapok as support tree for black pepper, please let me know. I will be in Manila from 27-30 March 2017. I will greatly appreciate recieving a message from you at my mobile number 0919-631-6673 or email at

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

BSA Students from WVSU Calinog Campus Visit the Farm

The BSA III students of WVSU Calinog Campus interviewed me and visited the black pepper and rice seed production farm last week. They were Mr. Gerald Leyritana, Mr. Placido Acena III, Mr. Jordan Carillo and Ms. Marianne Escantilla. It was a gratifiying moment to share the students my journey in agriculture, regulatory experiences at BPI, and technical information on black pepper. They are truly amazing. I do hope, they learned something in my sharings. Thank you very much in visiting the farm.

Black Pepper Expansion in Iloilo

The inquiries at 8P'S AGRI Farm in Manacabac, Janiuay, Iloilo on the production technologies for black pepper for this month are gratifiying. A number of interested farmers in Iloilo are signing up for the planting of black pepper using kapok as standard support tree. Some farms in Janiuay are scheduled for field monitoring on its suitability. In general, it is most highly recommended that the area should be flood free and avoid planting of crops identified as host of Phytophthora spp. such as hot pepper and solaneceous crops. Rainfed and upland areas of Iloilo are the potential anf ideal areas for black pepper production.

Should you need technical information about black pepper, please feel free to visit our farm in Manacabac, Janiuay. Mr. Garry Palizada is the Farm Manager. We can be reached at mobile number 0919-631-6673 or email at